Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Georgetown, TX

Discover a renewed sense of vitality to keep you young, healthy, active, and doing what you love.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone that plays a crucial role in the normal growth and development of men. Testosterone helps facilitate the production of muscle, tissue, secondary male sex characteristics, bone mass and density, mental cognition, and libido. The production of testosterone occurs in the testes and is influenced by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

As men age, testosterone levels begin to decline. This process can be accelerated by factors such as chronic health issues, obesity, and frequent stressors. It is reported that roughly 40% of men will experience low T levels by age 45.

Low levels of testosterone increase a man’s risk for disease processes including cardiovascular events, diabetes, Alzheimer’s diseases, prostate cancer, degenerative loss of muscle mass, and osteoporosis. 

What are the Symtpoms of Low Testosterone?

Low testosterone levels, also known as low T, can lead to several symptoms and health risks in men. Some common symptoms of low T include:

Reduced libido

Erectile dysfunction


Poor sleep quality

Decreased muscle mass

Increased body fat, especially in the belly area

Mental fog

Depression & Anxiety

Our medical providers can help you address these symptoms with testosterone replacement therapy, which can significantly improve your quality of life. Contact us to learn how testosterone therapy can enhance your wellbeing and leave you feeling revitalized and energetic.

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) can be a viable option for men with Low T given the critical role it plays in men’s health. Optimizing testosterone to healthy levels can help restore energy and vitality, resulting in a renewed sense of purpose and zest for life. The benefits of TRT are vast and can vary for each individual. If you are suffering from low T levels, restoring testosterone to optimal levels may help you experience:

Increased Libido

Enhance Focus & Concentration

Increased Muscle Mass & Strength

Rise in Energy Levels

Enhanced Sense of Well-Being

Stronger Endurance

Better Mood

Deeper Sleep

Stronger Bones

Better Memory


Step 1

Schedule a free consultation

Step 2

Meet with our medical provider

Step 3

Feel like you again!


Testosterone Cypionate

Monthly Prescription of Testosterone Injection 

Weekly B12 Injections

Your Choice of In Office or At Home Injections

Testosterone Topical Cream

Monthly Prescription of Topical Testosterone

Weekly B12 Injections

No Injections Required

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy Safe?

Testosterone replacement therapy is a safe and effective treatment when conducted under the guidance of trained medical professionals and utilizing reputable sources. Our clinic partners with highly regulated compounding pharmacies that are inspected by the FDA. Throughout your therapy, our medical providers will monitor your lab levels and any potential side effects while ensuring that you have access to our healthcare team for support. You will have constant access to our medical team to discuss any questions, concerns, or side effects you may have. Our therapy guidelines adhere to the highest standards of care, with your safety and well-being will always our top priority.

What are Potential Side Effects of TRT?

Possible side effects of TRT therapy may include acne, oily skin, soreness at the injection site, increased red blood cell production, gynecomastia or breast tissue enlargement, stroke or heart attack, or an elevation in estrogen levels. This list is not exhaustive. Your medical provider will discuss with you in detail potential side effects, and our approach to treating each condition.

What Causes Low Testosterone?

It is common for testosterone levels to decrease as men age. The gradual reduction in testosterone production by the testes is expected. External factors such as lifestyle and the environment may aggravate symptoms and make them more apparent.