Biote Medical Method Bioidentical Hormone
Replacement Pellet Therapy
in Georgetown, Texas

Experience an increased zest for life
and rejuvenation of your health and well-being! 

What is a hormone imbalance?

Our bodies naturally produce substances known as hormones, which act as a signaling system throughout the body. Hormones instruct specific cells to perform particular tasks, and when balanced, the body functions very efficiently.

Women’s estrogen and progesterone hormones create reproductive capabilities and stimulate maturation, while testosterone promotes the development of lean muscle mass and robust bones. Additionally, the thyroid hormone maintains appropriate metabolic processes.

The body regulates hormone production using a negative feedback loop, in which as hormone levels decrease, the brain signals for an increase in hormone production, and when sufficient levels have been achieved, production ceases until levels once again decrease. This mechanism keeps hormone levels steady, resulting in hormonal balance.

However, imbalances can cause hormone levels to raise or fall below necessary levels. In such cases, our systems can go into overdrive or perform poorly, resulting from excess or not enough hormones. Hormonal imbalances can arise from a variety of causes such as disease states, stress, medications, aging, menopause, hysterectomies, or a combination of factors.

Hormonal imbalances cause the body to operate below its full potential, leading to a loss of the protective qualities that hormones provide and cause unwanted, bothersome side effects.

Common Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance in Women

Hormonal imbalances can have varied effects on different bodily systems depending on which specific hormones are deficient.

Symptoms commonly associated with hormonal imbalances include persistent fatigue, disruptions in sleep patterns, decreased libido, and weight gain, particularly in the midsection.

Neurological symptoms, such as decreased mental cognition or “brain fog,” mood swings (including depression and anxiety), headaches, and poor memory, may also suggest low hormone levels. Hormonal imbalances can impact our digestive systems, causing increased constipation, bloating, digestive difficulties, and food cravings.

Women, especially, may experience sexual health complications such as vaginal dryness, decreased interest in sexual activities, and pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Furthermore, low hormone levels can result in decreased muscle tone and mass as well as bone density. Studies have shown that low hormone levels can even increase one’s susceptibility to infections.

Biote Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) seeks to replace and optimize patient’s hormone levels to restore overall health and improve one’s sense of well-being.

After menopause, our ovaries are no longer producing crucial hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone as before. Decreased levels cause bothersome symptoms of hormonal imbalance for most women.

BHRT delivers these vital hormones to your body in the form of subcutaneously placed pellets that are no larger than a grain of rice. These pellets are administered in a quick, minimally invasive, in-office procedure. BHRT pellets offer extended-release hormone replacement therapy and hormone optimization by allowing the patient’s body to absorb necessary hormones directly into the bloodstream. 

The procedure to place hormone pellets necessitates a small incision in the hip region. The incision is small enough that it requires no stitches and minimal downtime. Each pellet lasts between 3-4 months based on the patient’s gender, weight, absorption rates, and initial hormone levels prior to insertion. Benefits can be seen in as little as 2-4 weeks after  initial pellet placement, but some patients may require 2nd pellet placement before noticing results.

Common symptoms of hormone imbalance and the issues that Biote BHRT pellets can help alleviate include fatigue, weight gain, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, decreased muscle mass, brain fog, anxiety, and depression.

Lab work is required both before and after your initial insertion so your medical provider can monitor your hormone levels and response to therapy. After the procedure, medical providers will review recommend activities to avoid for approximately three days and advise you further about hormone therapy.

Benefits of Biote Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Biote Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy replenishes your body with vital hormones. It helps restore the balance your body requires to effectively operate and helps alleviate symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances.

If you are experiencing symptoms such as night sweats, hot flashes, and unexplained weight gain despite a healthy lifestyle, hormonal imbalances may be the underlying issue. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) for women has been known to be highly effective in alleviating various symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness.

Additionally, BHRT can significantly reduce the risk of developing debilitating health conditions like osteoporosis and heart disease. So if you’re going through menopause, it’s definitely worth talking to your doctor about whether or not hormone replacement therapy is right for you.

Schedule a consultation with us today to discuss the life-changing benefits of hormone replacement therapy. Our professional team is here to help. 

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Hear from Biote Medical's Founder
Dr. Gary Donovitz